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Join the River Reach Foundation
The River Reach Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the Protection, Promotion and Enhancement of Farmington’s riverine corridors. The Foundation currently prioritizes projects focused on river, park, and trail development and improvements along the Animas and San Juan Rivers. These projects create recreational and economic opportunities for the Four Corners communities. Help the Foundation meet it’s goals by becoming a member today!
Scroll down to find your desired membership level. We need your name, address, phone, and email (provided during checkout) in order to process your membership – even if it’s free.
All members are welcome to attend the monthly meetings, receive the quarterly electronic newsletter and have voting rights at the annual general meeting. Corporate members also have recognition and their logo in our quarterly newsletter. Meetings occur on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Farmington Civic Center. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (505) 716-4405.
River Reach Foundation · P.O. Box 2056 · Farmington, NM 87499-2056 · 505.716.4405 ·